

I was trying to look up some information about decades-old awards given by the American Film Institute (AFI) for a music video. I never found that information. What I found instead is a page about the history of AFI and, looking at it, noticed that its use of fonts seemed very, very familiar. It took a couple of beats but I realized I was looking at a Knight Lab timeline and its use on a commercial website.

I still regret, somewhat, that I was not able to host timelines directly on my website as AFI has. That website’s layout is a bitter reminder.

More instructively, I can see from their example that less is more. AFI employs simplicity in their layout and has created a more focused timeline. This makes their presentation so much easier to appreciate than some of my jam-packed versions.

It’s also amusing to me when I notice their focus is on some of those same magic years that have received so much attention here. The AFI is, itself, about 55 years old; close to the special half-a-century milestone that sparked my own timelines.