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As I was searching the latest in the Pike and Shot downloadable offerings, I came across a download of interest.

The package is called Tercio to Salvo – FoG2 Features. It uses the scripting engine, a system mostly common between the various game engine iterations, to bring in certain nice “upgrades” of Field of Glory 2 back into the Pike and Shot world. I’ve told you before that I much prefer Pike and Shot to FoG2, even if its hard to explain exactly why. A caveat to that preference is that FoG2 really does has some new and better features, updates which make the game easier to play. This mod fixes a few of those that can be fixed.

– Turn and shoot is one of the added features

I have reproduced the entire “Read Me” at the bottom of this post, but a few stand out for me. The “Undo” command is, of course, huge – mistake prone as I so often am. I also really like the ability to manually resolve ongoing melees, so that you can control combat order. For example, do you charge into an ongoing melee to improve the overall odds or do you first see how your already-engaged units are doing before determining whether help is needed. It adds some extra “tactics” to the game, something I like.

If the mod would have added the “group move,” I might be tempted to say it had everything I could think to want from FoG2 and then some. That click-saving feature is not included.

If not apparent from the “campaign” name, these upgrades work only for the original Tercio to Salvo campaign and only when launched from within these user-made version of those scenarios. I played the first two of those scenarios and, if anything, I find them even harder than I remember them to be. The individual battles in that stock campaign are set up to have the player take the disadvantaged side – challenged to pull out the unlikely win. As I’ve said before, I’m (mostly) capable of handling the AI on an even playing field but tend to get beat when presented with the true challenge inherent in playing the underdog. So it was in my several tries at this updated version.

But that’s not why I posted. The point is to provide an alert about this impressive modding project.

Tercio to Salvo – FoG2 Features Read Me

  1. ‘Push back’, ‘Fight Melee’, ‘Immediate Score’ and ‘Undo’ options (remember, if you used the ‘Undo’ command, that unit is removed from ‘Next Unmoved’ option. So it will be better to move the unit again at once);
  2. the mod includes fixes for the flaws of the original P&S based on FoG2 scripts:
  3. charging enemy units that are beyond 45 degrees of straight ahead at the start of the move after a turn,
  4. blocking of 2 units with ZoCs of each other when they are separated by two other units in close combat,
  5. cavalry doesn’t get +100 PoA vs the Mobs in open;
  6. ‘Mobs’ cannot charge non-light cavalry;
  7. ‘Remove evader casualties’ option;
  8. FoG2 ‘Turn and Shoot’ option.
  9. FoG2 pursuit scripts: infantry who are neither Warriors nor Raw will not pursue. Keil never pursuits;
  10. FoG2 option which does not take base AP for Fragmented unit below 6 AP unless base AP is less than 6.
  11. Heavy Weapon is not cancelled vs non-steady foot who have pikes (also in Keil), spearmen or bayonet capability during the melee phase – 50%