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Long-time readers have probably noticed that when I use my Amazon Affiliate links to generate short-cut references to products on Amazon, I highlight them in green as a indication that it is a monetizing link. This, I hope, fulfills my obligation to the United State Federal Government to communicate the financial benefit of these links to me, such as it is.

Starting this week, when I do make text green, it comes with a yellow background. You can see different manifestations of my problem throughout this post.

Once again, I expected that there would be easily-found internet chatter about this unexpected change but I can find nothing. It may be that this only affects the theme that I am using, or maybe few authors change the text of individual words in a post.

As far as I can tell, this is a problem that was introduced on the WordPress end and very recently. The HTML code in this current post is identical to what displays as I would expect it to in all my prior posts.

Having played with it all morning, I do have a workaround – although I am not happy with it. If I make the default background white instead of clear, it looks OK on my end. My concern here is that any client-side color customization is going to get messed up (i.e. the white background will override the default).

Maybe I should go back to the classic editor?

Game pairing: The Baby In Yellow.

– Photo by Lum3n on Pexels.com