

Since I’ve been all about Amazon these past few posts, its time to give some credit to Netflix.

I opened my email tonight to find the following message, with the subject line “Here’s what’s leaving Netflix soon”:

– There’s more. There’s a ‘watch now’ button below the film pic.

Is this an example of shit-blogging catching the attention of the all-seeing AI’s over at the Netflix data center? Or maybe those AIs have picked up upon my viewing habits? It’s also possible that the company has had a change of heart and are helpfully informing all their viewers of what’s expiring over the next week. It’s impossible for me to know.

There’s probably about half-a-dozen “last chance to watch” selections followed by another half-a-dozen new additions. It’s not as good as back when I could control these things myself, but Netflix seems to have risen to Amazon’s challenge and are now of a mind to tell me what I want to know.

In case you’re wondering, I’m not going to watch The Pursuit of Happyness. I’ve seen it, back when it first came out on DVD. It is really good. So good, we actually bought ourselves the DVD figuring we’d want to see it again (although I’ve yet to watch it a second time). I am tempted to try to get to Dark Shadows, the Tim Burton/Johnny Depp version.