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It has been almost four years since, while admiring my own Word Cloud, I decided to see what was popular on WordPress using those same tags and categories. Once again I find myself looking at my current Cloud and thinking about how there have been a few changes over the intervening years, and yet very few that actually impacted the top, most-used selections.

It made me wonder what I’d find today if I did it all again. Do the new additions to the top tier offer anything special?

Well, no, not really. But since I looked it all up, you get to see it. Enjoy.


Last time around, the largest word was review and it still is. Searching that tag on WordPress turns up a review for a free Steam game called Project Grove: Prologue. If not evident just from the title, the “prologue” is a free introduction to a full game coming in 2022. It looks to me to be a steampunk themed puzzle/adventure game. I might even try it out.

Cold War

Under the Cold War tag, I found another game review. This one shares thoughts concerning a pre-release copy of Call of Duty: Vanguard. For whatever reason, I’ve never been tempted to play the Call of Duty franchise. Steam will helpfully sell me the whole lot for a cool grand (actually a little under that using my 10% bundling discount). In fact, I’d really be tempted to look at this new title if they were really coming with a Cold War game – but that is not what this is. Call of Duty: Vanguard will be another entry set in World War II and feature killing Nazis plus, sometimes, zombies.

The reason, I must assume, this got tagged with Cold War is that the author mentions the Black Ops iteration. Call of Duty: Black Ops sets the player to fighting the Viet Cong and other communists (plus, sometimes, zombies) in the midst of the Cold War. Apparently, the game launcher for Vanguard bombards the impatiently-waiting prospective player with advertising for the rest of the Call of Duty line (c’mon man, it’s only a $1000!); an annoyance that featured in the review.

To be honest, a more-up-to-date, triple-A shooter covering the Vietnam War tempts me but it’s just not $40 tempting. I think my kid has downloaded a demo of one of the Modern Warfare iterations onto our PlayStation. Maybe I’ll try it some night when I don’t have anything better to do.

So no matter what tag I look up, am I going to get a game review? I guess blogging about games doesn’t make me so special as I thought it did.

I’ll actually throw in a second link here because the first wasn’t really about Cold War stuff in any meaningful way, I’ll add in a discussion of Yuri Bezmenov. Bezmenov is a KGB defector whose video from 1985 is floating around on-line these days causing many to see his 1984 (released in 1985) interview with The Creature from Jekyll Island author G. Edward Griffen as ever-more predictive of where we are today in America and how we got here. The linked article is intended to debunk Bezmenov’s ideas and includes about 13 minutes of the recorded interview. The full interview is all over YouTube and alternate video sources. For those who’d rather read than watch, someone made a transcript of the whole thing.

History of Games

Surprisingly, given that such would be entirely appropriate under this heading, my link under the History of Games tag is not a computer game. Instead, we get a one-paragraph history of the game Scrabble, which was invented by a man named Mr. Butts. This was posted back in June. I guess this tag is only really popular here at et tu, Bluto?


It’s all fun and games until you start imagining your grandparents makin’ whoopee. Even more common than game bloggers are those bloggers who just want to write. I never thought I was special in this regard.

What’s this have to do with Vietnam? Deployment to the jungle for our blogger’s grandfather would have prevented his Pop’s pursuit of pootang prizes*. Don’t do the dirty deed and you don’t deliver no daughter. No mama means no aspiring writer. And that would mean no blog to link to.

Alright, again, so we’re at least tangentially related to the subject, don’t order these foods lest you find your own bloodline in jeopardy.


A blog post detailing a mere two turns from a board game? Now, that’s what I’d call hard core.


Well all know that everyone on the internet is writing movie reviews. Big deal. Maybe I should ease up a little lest I become clichéd. In this case, the WordPress link takes me to one review that you’re never going to see posted here. The fact is, I never wanted to watch Snake Eyes. No, not the Nicholas Cage movie – I actually did watch that one. I can’t remember what I thought about it and I apparently didn’t watch it on Netflix (where I would have left a rating). I seem to recall it wasn’t all that bad. But no. I’m talking about the GI Joe themed Snake Eyes, only out recently. If you’re surprised that a studio would pour money into a big-screen GI Joe origin story, well so am I. If you’re thinking about paying to see Snake Eyes; maybe you shouldn’t.


One newly-prominent tag on the list is England. Try to colonize most of the world and you’re bound to get some unwanted attention. However, I just want to say – for the record – that I had already come up with my draft title for my post on Rainbow Six before I read this complaint about substandard coffee choices in the land of Shakespeare. Or, should I say, a complaint about complainers and their complaints.


Oh, yeah. Speaking of netflix

I complained last time that my netflix tag was supposed to be a snarky attack on Netflix’s frustrating business practices. I observed that the internet’s use of this tag was by people reviewing Netflix Original Content. Since I’m now doing a bunch of that myself, I can’t really put my nose up at others who do the same.

The top post here is the star reception served up to the Korean stars of Squid Game. Funny that I was just talking about that, too.

*I am aware my affinity for alliteration may affront my admirers. That was not my intention. I originally chose the phrase “Pop’s penis play,” which was meant to be a reference to Cryptonomicon and the phrase “penis games.” Long story and way too oblique. I’m hoping that the alternative of a Full Metal Jacket reference will seem more playful and less vulgar. I’m not here to insult anyone’s grandparents.