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I found myself repeatedly going to an Amazon critique (a one-star review, at that) of the book Moment of Battle: The Twenty Clashes That Changed the World, because it included the list of the 20 battles that are featured in that book. I’ve not found that list anywhere else.

Although I’ve still yet to finish the book, I thought I’d make that list public for whatever useful purpose that you, my readers, might find for it.

Gaugamela (also here, here, and here, as well an off-hand reference)
Teutoburger Wald (September, 9)
Adrianople (August 9th, 378)
Yarmuk (15th-20th August, 636)
Hastings (October 14th, 1066)
The Spanish Armada
Annus Mirabilis (1759) (also here
Saratoga (September 19th, October 7, 1777)
Vicksburg (May 18th – July 4th, 1863)
The Marne (6th-12th September, 1914)
The Battle of Britain (July 10th – October 31st, 1940)
Kursk (July 5th – August 23rd, 1943. See also)
Normandy (June 6th, 1944)
Dien Bien Phu
Objective Peach (2nd-4th April, 2003)
